One thing you come to expect when you’re expecting is that you will no longer have many good night’s sleep. Your friends/colleagues/strangers in the supermarket love to explain the adventures of sleep deprivation land, a land you will soon spend all your time in.

Then you have your beautifully perfect bundle of joy and the FIRST thing EVERYONE asks you when they meet bub for the first time is DOES HE SLEEP THROUGH? Again, strangers in the supermarket… DOES HE SLEEP THROUGH? Why does everyone put such an emphasis on sleep?

Well, yes, it’s crucial to our body functioning effectively.

Yes, we feel like absolute c-r-a-p when we have no sleep.

Yes, most people love a good sleep in, and by sleep in I mean they have slept the entire night and a little bit extra in the morning/brunch hours.

I agree with all of the above. However, right now I have not slept ‘through’ the night in 8 months and 2 days. Oh wait, count my two days of ef-off-this-is-so-painful-mum-I’m-not-going-to-make-it contractions at 32 weeks and that makes 8 months and 4 days. On top of that my beautifully perfect little Sebby has been on a rager the past month and wakes every two hours to feed, just for a bit of extra fun the past two nights he’s decided to feed THE ENTIRE NIGHT. Not even kidding. I feel like a cow!

Anyhoo, the point of this long winded sleep deprived, sleep focused rant is to say WHO CARES? The more we think about how we are not getting enough sleep the worse it feels. So right now, Sebby is asleep, after crying for four hours (teeth, possibly? gosh, really who knows!) and being awake for 6 hours, driving to mums 30 mins away and back did the trick. Yet I can’t sleep haha! can you even believe it? So this is when I decided, you know what? Who cares. Because he is beautiful and perfect and a baby and this is what it’s all about. And if anyone asks me if he’s sleeping through, I may just say ‘almost’ because what does it really matter.

Rant ended, now I am going to go have a Sebby snuggle… and hopefully sleep 😉

Sweet dreams all.
