Easter crafts are always fun, well really any crafts are always fun! However the kids get so overly excited for Easter and Christmas especially!

Here are 5 quick, easy yet stylish easter ideas to bring some Easter fun in to your house!

#1 Sharpie Easter Eggs!

Simple! Either boil some eggs to decorate and eat that day or keep in the fridge OR you can put a pin prick in the top and bottom of your eggs and blow out the egg from the inside, then keep and display the empty eggs!

These are so cute, monochrome decorated eggs


#2 Homemade Carrot Decorations!

Scrunch some newspaper into carrot shapes, cover with double sided tape, wrap some orange twine around and add some greens, easy peasy!


#3 Twine Eggs

This can be done with both the above ideas, either real eggs or newspaper!

Bakers Twine easter-eggs

#4 Painted Eggs

As above use empty or boiled eggs, simply cover eggs with string or tape to create patterns, paint over the string or tape. When dry peel away string or tape and you have your beautifully patterned eggs to display!

painted eggs

#5 Easter Frames

Cut out shapes of bunnies/eggs/chickens in your desired print and place on newspaper/wrapping paper/white or coloured paper and pop in a photo frame.

bunny frame




*All images and ideas from pinterest