Moving house is an exciting time, new dwelling, new design, new space, excuse for shopping (really, do us mumma’s need one?)…

But… then there’s all THAT crap. Yes, that stuff you haven’t seen in years and haven’t thought about since the last time you moved two years ago… That you don’t use, don’t miss, don’t need, but oh no, can’t possibly part with! Where may I ask does it all come from? That miscellaneous, mysterious, mostly useless crap is full of everything a One Year Old should not be touching! That’s just the start of it too.

Here’s my past two weeks experience in moving with a One Year Old!

I’ll list it sarcastically just for funs 😉

Top 5 Must Do’s (to cause inconvenience)

#1 Must follow you around and unpack whatever you have just packed for you.

Oh so kind, sweetheart.

Mickey packing gif

#2 Must need to eat way more frequently than usual and ensure they throw their food around a little more than usual, because really, we are going to have to do a big clean anyway hey!

olsen twin eating

#3 Must definitely poop straight after nappy change. Then repeat.


#4 Must happen to be extra drooly and need a bib & shirt change several times. This means having to make sure you’ve packed extra clothes/bibs and when you realize you haven’t, then have to open several boxes to try find some.


#5 Must have x-ray vision to miraculously find and place in their mouth anything and everything dangerous. Actually anything in general… even that random thing you’ve been looking for for over a year and couldn’t find!

anddd I couldn’t find a gif for that so here is a panda on a rocking horse (OMG!!! ❤ )


What are your moving with kids stories?
